Below, I have placed links to some of these pieces, which I will not reiterate in my own words as I feel that they have captured my sentiments, and their words are worth reading.
Yet, I do want to share a brief piece which arrived in my email inbox yesterday morning. It was from Alden Solovy, a poet, and teacher who now lives in and writes from Jerusalem. I had the privilege of learning with Alden at a rabbinic conference a few years back - and I never fail to find his words on-point and worth reading. Yesterday, he issued three Psalms of Protest, which captured for me many of the jumbled and complicated emotions I find myself juggling in recent days as a result of events both here and in Israel. I used his "Protest" pieces as the text I brought to share with those staff members at the URJ Eisner Camp who were fasting yesterday in observance of Tisha B'Av. Alden's work was new to those who joined me for study during the lunch hour. One of the pieces I shared was this one:
Psalm of Protest 5 (Alden Solovy)
A psalm of protest,
Before the broken gates of conscience,
Sung in ashes and sackcloth,
When lies are held as truth,
And citizens go blind before despots,
When judges are appointed to oppress,
And police do the bidding of clerics.
Oh twisted logic!
Oh reign of deceit!
How will we walk the path to renewal,
Cluttered with the remnants of trust?
How will we walk the path to peace,
Cluttered with the ruins of treachery?
Deliver us from the captains of war,
From leaders who rewrite the past and destroy the future.
Let the upright rise to lead,
And the sound of joy replace these lamentations.
His words echo Jeremiah, the Destruction of the Temples (which we remember on Tisha B'av), as well as the challenges of our own day. His words of lamentation spoke to me especially powerfully yesterday - and they still do today. I urge you to check out Alden Solovy's website and consider signing up for his inspiring emails. As for other pieces I recommend on recent events in Israel, here are just a few:
Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin - With new nation-state law, Israel shoots herself in the foot
Rabbi Gilad Kariv - Tisha B'Av and the Nation-State Law
Israel Democracy Institute - Explainer: What Is The Nation-State Bill? Why Is It A Big Deal?
To be sure, there are many other pieces - and other points of view. These resonate with me and hence I share them. If there are pieces you think I should read - send me the links by email.
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